Sunday, 28 December 2008

Was Santa good to you?

Thank goodness the festive holiday is almost over and I'm back to work tomorrow.
Don't get me wrong - I love Christmas but it somehow seemed to sneak up on me this year and I wasn't in the least bit ready for it.


I've got a new job as a clerical assistant in Social Work for the HomeCare team. I don't have to deal with so much telephone calls from irate customers so think it will be far less stressful. It is still quite intense and there is a lot to do and learn but so far so good. I have been there 3 weeks now and the girls (Tina & Helen are lovely). Its only a small office, but busy and is only 10mins walking distance from home.

Still struggling on with SAD. I have an appointment in Jan with a phycologist to discuss my medications etc. My Dr things the medication I have been on for my depression for at least 5 years, could be the cause of the problems with my low white blood count. So it is still low and I have very little immune system. Needless to say , I seem to have had the cold constantly. I can't just be taken off these tablets and will have to be weened off them before starting others. I'm hopeful we can start to look into alternatives in Jan.

Other than that things are ok. I feel fortunate and lucky for the things I do have, (family, friends, etc).

Thanks to everyone who follows this blog for your well wishes.

I wish each and everyone a better, more wonderful 2009!

sending scottish hugs

Tracey x

Monday, 3 November 2008

Small Update on Me

I have been suffering flu like symptoms (who hasn't?) since Thursday and just generally feeling miserable.

I have another blood test this morning to find out if my white cells are still low. The doctor really hasn't told me what the problem with my blood is but there are abnormalities! A low white count should explain why I'm so white looking and tired all the time, but its frustrating when one test comes back low then the next test come back a bit better.

However, I'll update the test results when they come back.

Have a fab Monday!

Sending Scottish Hugs

TRace x

Sunday, 2 November 2008

Christmas Gift Boxes

With Christmas creeping up on us faster than I care to admit, I really need to try to get a couple of hours crafting in each day (not much hope of that but I'll try,lol)!

I found a wonderful tutorial here , on Beate's Blog, Fresh & Fun. She is really talented and is able to write some very easy to follow tutorials to help other make cards and gifts as wonderful as she does.

I really like the way they turned out, I'm finally getting around to using some scrap pieces I have lying in the bottom of my craft chest, (yes it really it a large chest full of crafting stuff!).

Do You like my Snowman Soup Box?
Just pop in a hot chocolate sachet, mini flake and some mini marshmallows.
I would have added a poem on the back of the box but my printer has died on me, again!

sending Scottish hugs,

Tracey x

Saturday, 1 November 2008

My Family

Can you tell I had some spare time to play this morning? I think this pretty much sums us Roberts up! LOL

Pyzam Family Sticker Toy

Get your own Family Sticker Maker & MySpace Layouts.

Friday, 31 October 2008

PollyCraft Challenge No2 - STRIPES

OK- thought I'd better get more organised this time. Just got my entry for the first challenge in on the last day (gulp)!

This Mondays challenge was to use stripes, I've got to admit this panicked me a wee bit as I really don't like stripes much.

However, I must have had a quick flash of some kind of Inspiration as I was kind pleased with what I came up with.

I used Biscuit Bear from Pollycraft and added a winter Hat and Poinsetta (sp) to her T-Shirt. I used a Rollergraph and Mica powders to create the background on the card. Then took 3 scallop punched circle and squashed them to make sections for a Christmas Tree.

Hope you like......

Christmas Card Swap

Here's a sneak peek at the Christmas Card I made for Emma's Card Swap. I'll not tell you who I have to send it too...but I hope she likes it!

The scan of this card really doesn't do it any justice (even if I say so myself).

Monday, 27 October 2008

Thanks Pam

Pam and I visited the SECC, in Glasgow this weekend for a craft fayre. And we happily managed to spend a small fortune.

But we were good and bought lots of goodies between us to use for all our christmas projects (which we'd better get our fingers out and start making), lol.

We got some really good bargins and Pam has listed info about the next craft fayre and some of the exhibitors on her blog. Go see.....

We were a little bit naughty door to the SECC was the auditions for Britians got Talent. Pam took a photo of the big billboard with the Britians got Talent signon it and sent a text message to her hubby saying we weren't really visiting a craft fayre and we were away to audition for Britians got talent instead. Needless to say .....his reply was "you're having a laugh"!

So thanks Pam for a fantastic night away. We had a real good blether, got soaked and had a good laugh at me almost falling flat on my face (stone cold sober at the time - i hasten to add).

Here's to next year......I've started saving already.

Back AGAIN.....

and running late as usual.

I really wanted to take part in the 1st Pollycraft Monday Challenge. To design a card using a Pollycraft design but using no christmas red. mmmm

Took me a long time to come up with this because there are so many cute (very cute) christmas designs to choose from and I'm very indecisive at the moment. Bloke cards are so hard......

Anyway here's what I came up with.....hope you like

Scottish hugs

Tracey x

Thursday, 9 October 2008

Think I'm back on track

Well...for a wee while at least, lol.

No more progress on my bloods problems, just have to keep getting regular blood tests. Good job I'm not squimish at the sight of needles.

Took the brave step of sorting through all my craft stuff (well ....most of it) last night. I think it did me good and gave me the boost I needed.

I've signed up for Emma's Christmas Card Swap if you haven't - get over there and joinin the fun.

You all also got to visit Pollycraft - Paula has been so busy and the shop now has wonderful unmounted stamps to buy! Be sure to check out Pollycraft Monday Challenge Blog - starts on Monday 13th....oh spooky!

Right time to get my crafting in gear.....thanks for all the support ...MWAH

Monday, 15 September 2008

New Blogging Buddy

If you have a spare moment whilest blurfing - be sure to take a peek here.

Cards by Pam is a new blog started by my good buddy Pam. She, like me loves Pollycraft designs and has wonderful cardsshe has made on show.

We are planning to get our act together sooner rather than later, to get things made for any upcoming Christmas craft fairs but haven't got organised yet.

We're also taking ourselves away for a girly night in October to visit the SECC, Glasow for the Hobbycraft Exhibition. Can hardly wait......

Thursday, 11 September 2008

The Wonder of YOU

You'd think I'd be all cried out by now...but tonight I sat alone (hubby on late shift, kids in bed) and cried even more. Not because I'm down or upset but because I'm lucky enough to have FRIENDS.

Paula and Emma - you have been wonderful with your emails and "hugs" (i can feel them) x

Janet - miles apart but a huge part of my life and always inspires me x

Sheena - You barely know me but from one swap we did and you sent a wonderfl, beautiful card reminding me to keep my "chin up" x

Pamela - texting or phone - I know your there x

I just needed to cry because I couldn't fathom or work out what I have done to have or deserve such good, honest and loving FRIENDS.

THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart

Monday, 8 September 2008

Who said things couldn't get worse??????

ME! Wrong!

I had to visit the doctor today to get the results of my latest blood test. It seems I have problems with my white blood cells - they are low causing autoimmune problems. Basically don't have enough to fight infections. It also transpires that it has been this way for years.

I was given a total transfusion at birth and was given 3 pints of blood after the birth of Cali. I couldn't quite take it all in this morning after I heard the words bone marrow. That would be the worst case scenario.

I just have to wait it out and see. I have another test in a month. Think I should go and get an X tattooed on my arm, because it took 3 attempts to get blood the last time, lol.

On a better note - my doctor has kindly offered to put my name forward at his next practice meeting for help getting light therapy for SAD. My finances are very poor at the moment and light therapy is not available on the NHS here in the UK. Fingers crossed, eh?

These things are set to try us, but I'm about all out of fight....

Sunday, 7 September 2008

Gone AWOL....

For those of you who check in on me from time to time, sorry! It appears I have done a bunk for a wee while.

I'm the kind of person who wears her heart on her sleeve yet still sees the good in everything around her (or tries to!). I suffer terribly from depression and sometimes just need to shut myself away from everything and everyone. This doesn't mean I don't appreicate everyone who cares about me, I can't explain it, but sometimes I just don't feel worthy of friends, love, happiness or anything. Does that make sense?

Anyway - my medication has been put up and I have been put on sleeping tablets to try and help, so we'll see how that goes. I've also been referred to a counsellor. My doctor and I are pretty convinced that I also suffer SAD, seasonal affect disorder. But because of money problems, its hard to treat it because light therapy is not available on the NHS and can be very expensive. And I need to get a washing machine before I can think of buying things for myself! So onwards we go......

I don't mean to dwell or be full of self pity and I know there are people out there worse than me, but this bloody depression messes with my brain and thoughts. Even when I can't sleep the nihgt s are easy - getting through the days are hard.

I love you all and hope to get back on here soon a more cheerier person. MWAH

Tracey xxx

Monday, 18 August 2008

Disney DAFT!!!

I have another love apart from crafting and ice-cream. All things Disney. I have been to Florida a total of 4 times and can't wait to go back. We took the kids there in 2005.

We're already planning to go back in 2011 (seems so long away) with our good friend Pam, Richard and their kids. Both Graham & I and Pam & Richard will be celebrating our 10th wedding anniversaries in 2011, when we plan to go.

See from Paula's blog that she happens to love Stitch. Paula this is for you

I love EEYORE!

I also like Lumpy the heffalump. Both are so soft and cuddly. Don't often wish my life away - but roll on 2011!

sending Scottish hugs

Tracey x

Scarves to color the rainbow

Think of this as a freebie, a random act of kindness or blog candy.......what ever you like. I have a number of scarves to get rid of (oops..give away to good homes).

Here's a couple modelled by the lovely Cali.

you might notice they have a split to thread the other
end of the scarf through
Here's all the colours that are available :
beige, mint, pink mix, blue, wine, lilac and black

The wine, lilac and black are extra lush and thick with flecks or silver through them. Very posh!

All I would ask, is that you send an SAE (self address envelope) probably a medium size envelope with 2 first class stamps would do for the UK.

First come first serve basis: leave a comment and state the colour you'd like.

sending Scottish hugs

Tracey x

Christmas Gifts

I said earlier that it is never too early to start your Christmas crafting......seems like I'm following my own advice for a change, lol.

I've even taken up my knitting again. Does anyone need a scarf? I made lots last year and never got round to selling any. Going free to a good home if anyone needs a new scarf (christmas gift?) Let me know and I can post the colours.

Anyhow, for now here's a few new bits and pieces I have made as little extras for Christmas gifts. These are from Raggedy Scrappin .

Christmas Milk Carton
to be filled with minature sweets

Gingerbread Poop
to be filled with chocolate raisins

sending Scottish hugs

Tracey x

Saturday, 16 August 2008

I scream for ICE Cream

I love ice-cream and today Tesco had Ben & Jerrys on sale...well, who could resist right? I might even have to pretend a headache tonight - (no- not for that, lol ) ......for going to the mother-in-laws. Then I can sit at home all by myself and eat Strawberry Cheesecake to my heart content.

Do you love ice-cream? Take the test and share what kind of Ice Cream personality you are......I kinda agree with mine. What do you think and what's you favourite ice cream flavour?

Your Ice Cream Personality:

You are not a particularly modest person. You're proud of who you are, and you don't care who knows it.

You are a pretty cautious person. You look before you leap, and you don't leap often. There's a bit of a wild child within you, but it doesn't get out often.

You are a somewhat open minded person, but deep down you're fairly conservative. You don't like trying new things very much. And if you do find something new you like, you stick with it.

You tend to have a one track mind. You prefer not to multitask.

You are fun loving and sweet. You tend to enjoy joking around and teasing people.

Christmas Tote & Notes

Thanks to Andrea at The Paper Purse and me blurfing (blog surfing) her blog, I came across a wonderful site by a talented artist called Cheryl Seslar.

Raggedy Scrappin has a whole host of different graphics which can be bought singly or as set and also has some wonderful printable sets to purchase if you are lacking inspiration or short of time.

Here's a super little Christmas tote bag I bought, and it includes little note cards to pop inside for your intended receiver. I think its very cute and I'm sure the kids will love making some to give to their friends too.

sending scottish hugs
Tracey x

Teachers gift

A few of my collegues often ask my to make some little bits and pieces for them at short notice as they now I like a challenge. Gillian from my work has twin boys , Aiden & Lewis (cuties - but total opposites) who are starting school this term. She wanted a little something different to give to their playgroup and nursery teachers.

Here's what I came up with: Altered Chocolate bars

Graphics are from PC Crafer with a little bit of my own creative flare (yet right) added in (ie. their thank yous).
So easy to do: get you fav choc bar (dairy milk or galaxy but keep the original wrappers incase anyone has allergies and needs to see the ingredients or sell by date), measure round the bar and length of bar and hey presto - make your wrapper - wrap and give out.
I'll be making some halloween ones shortly so look out.
sending scottish hugs
Tracey x

Tuesday, 12 August 2008

Before and After

Have you ever had one of those days when nothing goes right? Today was mine. So time for some light-hearted fun.

Cali had football tonight, and it was pouring with rain (again). I know I stay in Scotland but it doesn't always rain. So take a look at the photos you can't tell the before and after.

White on girls playing football is not a good idea.....must make a mental note of that to myself, LOL!

sending scottish hugs

Trace x

Don'tcha wish you had a blog title like me?

Thank you so much Paula.......


Thank you so very much.

Monday, 11 August 2008

Birthday cards

I still can't quite believe that my baby is 8yrs old already. It only seems like the year 2000 was a couple of years ago. She is already a headstrong, independent, determined little lady. I hope those attributes stay with her (guess she gets them from her mum, lol).

She has started playing football for the local girls under 11yrs football club, Forfar Farmington and is loving it. Although I must be reminded not to put her in white socks, white shorts and a white sweatshirt when it is raining. She looked a picture last Saturday after training for almost 90mins, covered in mud but still smiling.

I know I'm a bit late but here is the birthday cards I made her from her mum n dad and her wee brother Conor.

Sorry the photos aren't that good. But aren't these new designs from Paula witht eh extras just fantastic. You can do so much with them .

sending Scottish hugs


Thank You Card Swap

A big thanks to all the girls : Pam, Paula, Emma and Sheena , who took part in the swap of a Thank You card made with one of Paula's Pollycraft Designs.

I showed off the card (brilliant - might I add) that I received from Sheena in a few posts earlier. Here's the one I made and sent to Emma (Something Sweet/Pollycraft Creations):

Hope you like it Emma...sorry it was a wee bit late!

I know Emma has a couple of kids so thought a cheery snowman Thank you card would be great for the up coming Christmas season.

sending Scottish hugs


Sunday, 10 August 2008


Wylde Women Award

Paula from Pollycraft Designs awarded me this, and I am honoured.

Here are the rules:
1. You can give it to one or one hundred or any number inbetween - it's up to you. Make sure you link to their site in your post.
2. Link back to this blogsite (http:// (so Tammy can go visit all these wonderful women.The Purpose of the Award is: To send love and acknowledgement to women who brighten your day, teach you new things and live their lives fully with generosity and joy.

Still have to decide who I'm awarding this to but will update you to let you know asap......

Thanks again Paula.....luv ya

Reporting back to Blogland

Have you missed me????? uh what do you mean NO!
I have had a little break from blogging for the 2 weeks that I have been off work.

I really haven't been up to much as money is a bit tight at the moment (isn't it always), so
we have just been slobbing around the house as a family (aw!).
Had a few days here and there, a couple of kids over for sleepovers, blah blah blah.

Of course August is a busy month of birthdays for me. Cali was 8yrs old on 1st....(will post her
cards a little later), my dad was 75yrs young on 9th and my f-i-l's birthday was today.
Still have lots more birthdays later this month.

How could I have stayed away soooo long,......great to be back.

Monday, 21 July 2008

Card Swap

Isn't this card just gorgeous?
It's a pocket card.
I received it from Sheena (Thank You Sheena :0) from the recent card swap I organised and I just love it - it is so cute! I'm always behind and haven't made mine yet so will have to get a move on tonight. You had to make and send a Thank You card using a Pollycraft design to another member of the swap.
There was only 5 members in this little swap but I hope you all enjoyed making a card for someone else. It let's use share ideas and creativity from othre s and sometimes we can learn ways of crafting. I've never made a pocket card before but look forward to trying one.
Emma at Rainy Days is contemplating a card swap after she is back from holiday (sometime in Aug), so if you want to take part, keep an eye out on her blog.


Treasure Tins

I made these two tins a short while ago to sell at a craft fair but couldn't really part with them cause they are so cute - although they're just sitting about the house doing nothing.

The designs are from a company called Daisie Company. They have lots of different types of downloadable projects like, tins, cards, snowman soup etc, so if you are sometime lacking in creativity (like me) its a great place to shop.

Thanks for visiting.................. hugs


Monday, 14 July 2008

It runs in the family.............

it appears I have a budding successor. My daughter Cali has just started a blog, Cali's Crafty Creations. It is so that she can show off her own cards and things she makes.

She made a card for her first challenge at Crafty Monkeys this week on the theme of Summertime. I'm really proud of her and think she has made a great job of her card, but I'm her mum so I suppose I'm a bit biased, LOL!

I think Crafty Monkeys is a fantastic blog, with challenges designed just for children by children. Well done, Zoe & Hannah! I just hope it can be restricted to children and no adults try to take advantage but submitting cards themselves.

Be sure to pop by Cali's blog and leave a comment, I sure she'll appreciate it.

Introducing Mr Chilly

Now, I'm not much of a painter. And I'm not very good at watercolouring stamped images either. But I looked at this boring brown plant pot that was lying about and decided to give it a "lick of paint".

This is what it ended up looking like.
I think I'll probably use it for putting swweties in at Christmas.
Any other ideas as to what I could use it for, (beside the obvious - a plant, I managed to think that one out myself) would be most appreciated.

Saturday, 12 July 2008

Quick Card

Not had a lot of time to make cards this week... but here's a quick handbags card I made.

Inside -

Altered items....

Do you like recycling? When you're a crafter - you never throw anything away, right? You start altering items like books and notepad, then your hooked at altering and never look at anything the same way again.

Take these altered syrup tins, for example: a few bits of scrap paper, some ribbon etc, and you have some handy decorated pen pots


TUTORIAL - Water Slip Decals

Here goes, my first tutorial (as requested by Emma).

You will need:

  • PC and Printer
  • Graphics program (although you could use Word, using the drawing toolbar)
  • Inkjet or Laser Water-slide Decal Paper (depending on what type of printer you have)
  • Spray Acrylic Varnish
  • Bowl of water
  • Dry cloth or small squeege
  • Item that you are placing the decal on (I used plates, see earlier post - but you can use these on soap, candles, glass, wood and so much more)

  1. First you need to work out the size of image you are going to use. Measure out on the item to make sure you don't create anything too big or too small.

  2. Print out you design on to the shiny side of the decal paper, just as normal - no need to change any of your printer settings.

  3. Leave the design to dry for at least 30 mins.

  4. Spray 3 thin coats of acrylic varnish over the design to make sure the ink is sealed onto the decal paper. Less is more at this stage. If you use too much varnish the decal will become hard and not work properly.

  5. Once dry (time can vary) cut around the design with craft knife or scissors.

  6. Place cut out decal in bowl of water for upto 30 seconds. gently feel the decal between your fingers. If you can feel the backing paper slipping then the decal is ready to use.

  7. Shake off the excess water and get ready to gently apply onto surface of the item you are decorating.

  8. Put one end down first and gently tease the backing paper from underneath, away from the end you placed down.

  9. Smooth over the decal with a dry lint free cloth to smooth away any air bubbles.

  10. Leave to dry for 24hrs then varnish for extra protection.

TAA DAH ! Here's one I made earlier

I get my supplies at - check them out they have everything. And a fab video tutorial if mine is rubbish!


Tuesday, 8 July 2008

Polly - What a cracker.........

Do you love Pollycraft Designs? Well, I know Emma and I certainly do, along with lots of other crafters.

Tonight is the launch night of Emma's 2nd blog Pollycraft Creations.

Can't wait to see all your fantastic designs Paula on Emm's fantastic cards. If anyone likes Paula's design and used them on cards, altered art or anything please be sure to visit Pollycraft Creations and Pollycraft Designs.


Monday, 7 July 2008

Are you dancing? Are you asking?

Once upon a long time ago, when I had a social life, before marriage, children, pets, housework - the list is endlist. I used to like going out and having a wee boogie. But this is the naughties and it's terrible when a horse can put you to shame...........don't think I was ever this GOOD!

Watch this and be amazed
Be sure to pause the playlist at the bottom before you start

Busy Weekend

I didn't really get any cards made this weekend apart from one I've already posted out today to Antonia and forgot to take a picture, doh!

The kids and I seem to have had a baking marathon this weekend. First we made Spacedust cupcakes (they pop in your mouth), and then Cookies & Cream Cupcakes (using crushed Oreos mmmm).

Today we made Banana & Honey Cupcakes with walnuts and some without for the kids. We took these cupcakes into all the girls at my work. Seemingly, they were so good, Helen gave the kids a £1 each for baking them. I get warm fuzzy feelings when the girls enjoy the little cakes I take in every now and them.

And I'm just waiting on a batch of White Cocolate Chip and Summer Berry muffins coming out of the oven.

I would have taken photos of the cupcakes but unfortunately ...................they have almost all disappeared.

I'm happy to share the recipes, email me if you fancy making any scrummy cakes.


Sunday, 6 July 2008 July - It's NEVER too early

Well, I figure now is as good a time as any to get started on the Christmas gifts. I wanted to do something different this year. Something that would be more of a long term keepsake rather than some papercraft gift.

How do you think these turned out?

Snowman Plate

Polar Bears Plate

Christmas Snack Plate

Grandma's Christmas Candle

Grandma's Christmas Soap

These were all made using images from PC I used waterslip decals to put the images onto plates, candles and even soap. It can almost go on anything and is really quick and easy to use - well, after one or two practices, lol.

I might just have to consider trying to sell some of these festive plates later on in the year. I have even made a Halloween one but I'll show that off nearer the time.


Saturday, 5 July 2008

HELP with a ROAK......please

I'm looking for all you crafters out there to make one card to make a little 5yrs old girls day.
Emma's (Rainy Days) little girl Antonia has fractured her arm in 10 places and broken it in 3 places. She has already had 2 operations and faces another operation next week or so.

Let's brighten up Antonia's recovery by sending a Get Well Card to let her know we're thinking about her and her mum, Emma & family.

Whatda say gang? Can we fix it? (oops sound a bit like Bob the Builder)

Please email me if you'd like to take part, then I'll get back to you with the finer details of address etc. I'd appreciate any mentions of this ROAK on anyone blog if you can spread the word.

HUGE scottish hugs

Nice Surprise

Yesterday I received a little padded envelope through the door from the postie. I couldn't think what it could be, and I was certain I hadn't been ordering crafting bits and pieces from Ebay.

It was this.....

adorable little Thank You card from

Paula at Pollycraft Designs

When I read what was inside, I realised what I already knew - that I'd had made a special friend with this wonderful lady. This is whats know as an RAOK - Random Act Of Kindness and one that has made my day.

Thank you Paula for the wonderful designs you share with us all

Friday, 4 July 2008

WOO an award

OMG , I got an award. I still can't believe it but I'm on cloud 9. This is my first (of many I hope, hint hint, lol),

Thank you so much Debbie

The rules for this award:
1. The winner can put the logo on their blog.
2. Link the person you received your award from.
3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs.
4. Put links of those blogs on yours.
5. Leave a message on the blogs you've nominated.

Ok this is so hard having to chose only 7 to award to - as there are so many fantastic bloggers out there. But I am delighted to award to the following people:

Paula - your an inspirational and exceptional talent
Janet - your my inspiraation for life
Emma - love your fab cards
Kitty - love your stuff & can't wait for spiral whisper
Andrea - love you stuff, fellow PCC'er
Tracey Lynn - your paper flowers are wonderful, along with everything else
Julie - love all you do, especially your amazing tutorials

I hope all continue to blog as I'll always be your visitor.

Be sure to pop in and view my award winners blogs, I know you'll enjoy them. Huge Scottish Hugs

Wednesday, 25 June 2008

Jazz Up your Post It Notes.....

Here's a quick way to brighten up someone day. Make a little cover for a post it notepad with space at the top for a little gel pen.

Toppers from Pollycraft Designs
If anyone would like instructions and template of how to make one of these please : check out Julie's Paper Pleasing blog for a wonderful tutorial