OMG , I got an award. I still can't believe it but I'm on cloud 9. This is my first (of many I hope, hint hint, lol),
Thank you so much Debbie
The rules for this award:
1. The winner can put the logo on their blog.
2. Link the person you received your award from.
3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs.
4. Put links of those blogs on yours.
5. Leave a message on the blogs you've nominated.
Ok this is so hard having to chose only 7 to award to - as there are so many fantastic bloggers out there. But I am delighted to award to the following people:
Paula - your an inspirational and exceptional talent
Janet - your my inspiraation for life
Emma - love your fab cards
Kitty - love your stuff & can't wait for spiral whisper
Andrea - love you stuff, fellow PCC'er
Tracey Lynn - your paper flowers are wonderful, along with everything else
Julie - love all you do, especially your amazing tutorials
I hope all continue to blog as I'll always be your visitor.
Be sure to pop in and view my award winners blogs, I know you'll enjoy them. Huge Scottish Hugs
wow Tracey, thank you so much, i feel as though i should put on a ball gown and roll out the red carpet ! im so happy exstatic even, especially after the last two weeks ive had. my little baby Antonia whos now 5 years old has fractured her arm in 10 places and broken it in 3 places, we stayed in hospital for a week and my poorly little princess was on morphine for 5 days, shes already had 2 operations and another one due on the 18th july, so knowing that you have very kindly gave me this award means the world, im really excited. thanks again, im on cloud nine with you Tracy, he he.
you defenatly deserve the award
much love
emma xxx
Hi Tracey, nice to meet you. Andrea sent me.
good morning tracey, thank you for the card idea my daughter would love that, she loves recieving cards, and making them ! ive added my email address to my blog, if you could email me so that i know its all working ok and then ill email you back my address. thanks so much Tracey, your so kind and thoughtful
emma xxx
Awww shucks gf - many thanks for the nomination. I love that song by Lonestar you have playing on your blog.
Turn up tunes - time to par-tee!
You gals are so welcome. Carol, welcome & please visit any time. Congrats on ur award also. LOL
Hi Tracey...
Wanted to say a BIG THANKYOU for my award, although I don't think my blog is anywhere near as good as the others you awarded!
Emma... Your poor baby!! how on earth has she managed that? I'm off to write you an email now....
Paula xxxx
Thanks Tracey! You are such a dear.
I am finally back online....
Love, Janet
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