Monday 8 September 2008

Who said things couldn't get worse??????

ME! Wrong!

I had to visit the doctor today to get the results of my latest blood test. It seems I have problems with my white blood cells - they are low causing autoimmune problems. Basically don't have enough to fight infections. It also transpires that it has been this way for years.

I was given a total transfusion at birth and was given 3 pints of blood after the birth of Cali. I couldn't quite take it all in this morning after I heard the words bone marrow. That would be the worst case scenario.

I just have to wait it out and see. I have another test in a month. Think I should go and get an X tattooed on my arm, because it took 3 attempts to get blood the last time, lol.

On a better note - my doctor has kindly offered to put my name forward at his next practice meeting for help getting light therapy for SAD. My finances are very poor at the moment and light therapy is not available on the NHS here in the UK. Fingers crossed, eh?

These things are set to try us, but I'm about all out of fight....

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