Monday 23 June 2008

Weekend makes ....

Hubby was working night shift this weekend, so unfortunately (yeah, right) I had to abandon the housework as to not waken him up. No problem - just get all the craft stuff out! hahah

Thing was - I still had to keep the kids entetained as well. So while the kids set about making gift bags for their teacher for the end of term, I got stuck into making some cards.

I'll try and show the kids' gift bags later - not sure when the mounds of glitter glue will ever be dry! LOL

This one is for a friend.
The top ribbon has a peel off on it with "Just to Say" and the gorgeous die cut bear is froman Ebay seller by the name of Teeniesmum. She makes the most gorgeous bears I have ever see and when she has a listing of them, I try to make sure I can snap some up for my stash.

This is little card for my special friend Janet's grand-daughter,
Anna who's turning 6yrs old.
She is a gorgeous little girl who never fails to brighten her gran's day
and mine with her lovely smile.
I have used a Pollycraft topper (surprised?) & a few wee bits from my stash.
Janet is a very special lady. She is bravely fighting lymphoma cancer and her husband Jeff, has also recently had a brush with cancer. I checking on them every day via the Hopper's Faith Love and Hope blog. Janet is never without a smile and never fails to amaze me with her determination, faith and selflessness in thinking of others.
Janet you are an inspiration to me and I think of you often.
Gentle hugs

1 comment:

Janet Hopper said...

Awww.....this is SO CUTE!!! I am sure she will treasure the card. She will carry it her purse that she calls her secret treasures.

Love Ya! Janet