Monday 16 June 2008

Swap anyone.......

Being part of forums has allowed me to make so many new friends and be inspired by their creations that they share. What better way yo do that , than take part in swaps ?

Many of you know by now, that I'm a huge fan of using Pollycraft designs on my cards and I'm pretty sure that many of you feels that same as me, so here's what I propose:

CARD SWAP with Pollycraft Designs

  • sign ups (names) will be taken until the end of June

  • you have to make one card of a particular theme (birthday, birth, thank you etc) using a Pollycraft design

  • send card out by end of July

For anyone who hasn't taken part in a swap before here's what happens:

I get all the names, email addresses & snail mail addresses of those keen to take part.
You will then (at the end of sign up) receive an email from me, with details of the person you have to send a card to (name and address), and the theme the card should be .
You then have to the end of July to make and send one card to your assigned person in the swap.

Then the best bit: we all stake the postie during July to wait for our card to arrive and then share our fabulous cards back on the forum.

How does that sound? Any questions? Interested yet? email me or scoot across to :

See you all there!

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